Thursday, June 20, 2024


The Self-Fulfilling Prophecy
By: Art Javier

          Let me pose this question to all: “How do you survive and pass through all the trials and tribulations you have in your life?” My answer: “Focus on the words you say to yourself and to other people.”  

 I.                There is Power in Our Words:

           The truth is, there is power in the words that we say or utter. If we stay focus in affirming and saying out loud the words that we have written in our goals, then the current hardships we face will come to pass and we will overcome any and all the challenges that negate the fruits and end results of our hearts’ desires. 

           The reason why you are where you are is largely caused by what you say to yourself.  When we utter words that connote positivity such as love, compassion, honesty, charity, chastity, patience, understanding, hope and continue to say them every day of our life we will continually to bless our life. Our life moves in perfect dynamic strides parallel to the direction of our words. If we are focused on the positive words then we claim the end results of victory, success and achievements.

          I saw in a friend’s mansion house the other day, where we had a short seminar on “The Purpose Driven Life,” a big, imposing and giant wall that was entirely filled with dozens and dozens of positive words, such as amiable, friendly, successful, kind, warm, honest, etc., etc.- and her name inscribed in big and bold letters in the middle of all these positive words.  Now I know why the owner of the house is a highly paid motivational speaker all around the country and without a doubt why she’s making millions.

 II.             Negative Words: The Destroyer

          The opposite side is, if we continue to utter and enrich our vocabulary with negative words such as “we’re not good enough,’ ‘we’re not gonna make it,’ the ‘F word, and the S word,’ ‘ I will never have a full time job and just be stuck here in this part time dead-end job,’ ‘I don’t have the talent to do it, I am not ready,” then we invite the prophecies of defeat- as if we are calling and inviting bad breaks, bad luck, bad omen, mediocrity and lack. We cannot expect abundance if we have an impoverished attitude.  A poor mouth will surely produce a poor life. But if you sow seeds of strength, love, patience, hard work, able and capable you will reap the fruits of good health, increase, abundance, new opportunities, joy and happiness. 

     The gospel of James says, “With our tongues, we can bless our lives, or we can curse our lives.” I have witnessed a lot of Filipinos who have this silly expression of, “Ay buhay..” expressed with so much frustration, depression, disappointment and with a very heavy heart.”  Whenever I asked these same people, in the past, “Kamusta na?” (How are you?) They responded, “Eto ganoon pa rin. Tumatanda na, tumataba pa at malapit ng makalbo.”  (Well here we are ..same old..ageing, getting fat and nearly balding). I checked out and visited these guys out after 3-5 years and without an ounce of doubt, I surely found old, fat, bald and ugly dudes. Their words just self-fulfilled their own prophecies. 

 III.           Attitude Determines Altitude

     This typical “Filipino-like” negative attitude will totally and completely curse our lives.  Let us always remember that our attitude will determine our altitude.”  The right words and the right attitude will propel us to new heights where we have never imagined we can achieve. You are what you say you are. These words will cause our wings to open and progressively bring us to the next upper level, one level at a time.  Avoid hanging around or working with chickens and turkeys. You will have a hard time to soar like an eagle.

      I want to edit the immortal words of John F. Kennedy. It goes like this, “Say (Instead of Ask) not, what your country can do for you, but say (instead of ask) what you can do for your country.” It must be in the form of a statement, not a rhetorical question! Replace that popular phrase of JFK with the word “ask” to “say.”


IV.           The Power of Affirmation in Jesus Name

     When you are in front of the mirror just before leaving your house for work don’t utter the words, “Mirror, mirror on the wall who’s the fairest of them all?” That’s an ancient worn out phrase. Be positive and look yourself straight in the eye in front of the mirror and say, “Girl, you’re lookin’ good today.” Start telling that woman in the mirror, “You’re healthy, strong, young, sexy and beautiful, with no vanity. And if you’re a guy, tell yourself, “You handsome little thing.”  And if you are a Filipino say to yourself, “Ang pogi mo talaga. ..Lahi ka talaga ng pipikutin.”

     I hear a lot of people who are used to saying this expression or belief, that is, “It is what it is..That’s the reality.” For me, I will never give in to such conviction. We Christians should never abide to this self-defeating, self-destructing thought process of other people. If we believe that there is power in our words, energized by the power of the name of our Lord, Jesus, we should use words not to describe the situation but use words to change the situation. There are people who make things happen, people who watch things happen, people who wonder what happened and people who don’t know what the heck happened. We should be the people who can make things happen, always in Jesus’ mighty name.   

V.              Verbalize this quote: “With God All Things Are Possible”

     The reality of negative, passive and materially conforming people is not the same reality of a true blooded Christian who has in him the indwelling of the Holy Spirit.

     I heard that in the scriptures, the Apostles ask our Lord, “What will we eat? What will we drink?” Jesus answered, “Say not…etc.etc...for your Father in heaven..etc. etc...” The key word here is the word “Say..” Do not say a negative thought. Every one of us is prone to negative thoughts. But don’t say it, because if you do, you will be trapped in those negative words, and you will decree and give life to it and it will come to pass and soon becomes your reality. What do you need to do?  Shut up!… and that negative thought will soon be lifeless and will die naturally. It is one thing to think and it is another thing to talk.

     When we continually talk about our problem and share it with other people the more we become lost, beaten, discouraged and the more we make the problem looks bigger. In these tough times, always tell yourself and say ,”God is bigger than any problem,”  “With God all things are possible.”  Don’t dwell in that square face of yours all day long. Say a funny word, remember a funny situation in your life. Smile and the world smiles with you. Cry and you cry alone.

     You have to convince yourself to verbalize and continually say that you are a victor and not a victim, that you are a champion, a conqueror and a winner. When David faced Goliath, do you think he had the time to think negative and say negative words to himself and to all those Israelites who were watching him? He would have been crushed and put 6 feet under the ground if he had displayed and spoke of any negativity.  But instead that little, tiny and diminutive shepherd boy defeated a strong giant and a well-equipped warrior, Goliath, with a sling shot.   David expected, focused, affirmed and utter words of victory. Surely, he felt fear, but he spoke of his strong faith and belief in the Lord that he will defeat the Giant. There is a great difference between feeling and speaking.

     When Manny Pacquiao was asked by an interviewer, “Manny, Mayweather said, you will be his victim number 48. What can you say to that?”  Manny, focused as he always is, was gracious and steadfast and said, “The Lord will deliver Mayweather into my hands.” Interviewer: “What do you have in you that you think you can beat Mayweather?” Manny replied with conviction, “I have God in me.”

     When James Harden, point guard and superstar of the Houston Rockets was interviewed the other day on what he can say after scoring over 50 points, he said, “ I give glory to God for that.”


VI.           Short and Simple Positivity (KISS)

     These are short and simple words that are so much filled with strong faith but can move mountains and defeat a Giant. Do not concentrate on the problem. Focus on the Word. They are filled with promises and revelations.

      How about you my friend, what positive words have you put in your vocabulary? Keep smiling and say words of wisdom, say nice, simple and kind words to yourself and others.

      Have you heard that song of Martin Nievera, “Say that you love me..” The key word in that song is “SAY.” You can love somebody but if you don’t say it to that subject person, it doesn’t mean a thing.  When I was in college, I had a terrible crush on this girl. But I kept it to myself. I felt I was not good enough for her not handsome enough to have a relationship with a girl as fair and beautiful as she was. A few years after graduation she got married. From that day I had a crush on her and until today I still do but do not know and have not been able to know if she had feelings for me or not. The moral of the story is to just say it and just let it out. If we don’t, we will forever be in the dark. It’s a make or break. If we get rejected, we just have to accept it and move on. Better to have loved and lost than to never to have loved at all. The point is, like the Nike ad says, “Just do it,” I’m now telling you, “Just SAY it.”



     Say beautiful and positive words to yourself, to the people you love and the world around you.  Say to the people of the world you love them, and the people of the world will love you back. Condemn your life and surely your life will condemn you.  Put away those negatives and words of condemnation. Replace negative words and humble yourselves with words of forgiveness and strong positive words of faith, hope and love.  Say those positive words with unquestionable conviction; for then and only then you will know, and I know those words will come back to you and will self-fulfill their built-in prophecies.   

      Keep well!

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